Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Gay Marriage

Everyone has a problem with gay marriage. I don’t have a problem with a gay marriage because I believe in you love who you love. Plus its none of business to tell SOMEONE ELSE who they SHOULD love and what they SHOULD like. That’s not my place nor anyone else place to ruin someone who likes the same sex. Because WE are NOT in that RELATIONSHIP so we all need to mind our business and relationship. Same sex relationships have the same rights into marriage just like straight relationships do. The government shouldn’t exclude them from marriage rights because they not LOVING the person YOU believe they should be with. At the end of day WE all have a right to love WHO WE WANT and WE all DESERVE to be and to feel love even if its different than the “NORMAL” type of love. Always stay TRUE to WHO you are and DON’T change because SOMEONE else say you don’t fit the IMAGE. Its better to stay yourself and love who you and the people who rock with you will love you for who you are and not something you not.

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