Tuesday, December 4, 2018

"Fixing" What Isn't Broken

confused cardi b GIF

The major argument that this essay discuss is that pet owners should get their pets neutered. This essay was informative because I think dogs or cats could get the same illness like humans do if they eat the same food as humans do. To be honest I don’t believe that because most dog or cat disease are hereditary from mom and dad just like humans. I don’t think a dog or cat will run away from their lovely and nice home to find a mate to have babies with, I have never heard of that before. But I can’t say that because all dogs or cats are different from the other even if they are from the same breed. The problem is the writer of this essay is coming up with things that don’t make any sense. They didn’t cite those crazy thoughts and to me it sound like they thought this up. The writer was just wanting to get this essay over with and not look back on it.

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