Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Best Source of my Problems With Social Media

Excited Aplomb GIF

In this essay, I stated facts about the problems with social media. I agree with what Professor Arne Krokan says, “There are many ways social media can promote or destroy careers,”. Social media can make or break the career path you want to take. We as social media users have to watch what content we post because can tarnish the way people sees us. Also I didn’t know this until Nick Zargoski says this, "The analysis showed people using seven to eleven social media platforms have a three-time risk of depression and anxiety than people using zero to two social media platforms,”.  We need to tell our younger generation that these celebrities go through the same trials and tribulations like everyone else. Just because they are celebrities doesn’t give them the green card to not go through anything. What we love about the celebrities are the things they go through and how they positively got their way out of the situation.

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