Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Best Source of my Problems With Social Media

Excited Aplomb GIF

In this essay, I stated facts about the problems with social media. I agree with what Professor Arne Krokan says, “There are many ways social media can promote or destroy careers,”. Social media can make or break the career path you want to take. We as social media users have to watch what content we post because can tarnish the way people sees us. Also I didn’t know this until Nick Zargoski says this, "The analysis showed people using seven to eleven social media platforms have a three-time risk of depression and anxiety than people using zero to two social media platforms,”.  We need to tell our younger generation that these celebrities go through the same trials and tribulations like everyone else. Just because they are celebrities doesn’t give them the green card to not go through anything. What we love about the celebrities are the things they go through and how they positively got their way out of the situation.

The Best Source of my Cause of a Failed Long-Distance Relationship

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The best source of my previous essay is the fact that “I know” a little bit about a failed long-distance relationship. Usually long-distance relationships don’t last long because of one of the reason is the money it takes for the couple to see each other. Like what Gallagher said, “Love is not cheap”. The formula for a financial problem is the more significant the distance, the larger the transportation bills (Gallagher). Then the couple can’t talk long on the phone because they might have other things or a job to attend. What really kill the couple whose in a long-distance relationship is time zones. When they have different time zones this can be unhealthy for the couple because one of them is staying up all night trying to talk to their lover. The best thing to do in a long-distance relationship is end it because you are only wasting each others time and money they could keep in their pockets.

"Fixing" What Isn't Broken

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The major argument that this essay discuss is that pet owners should get their pets neutered. This essay was informative because I think dogs or cats could get the same illness like humans do if they eat the same food as humans do. To be honest I don’t believe that because most dog or cat disease are hereditary from mom and dad just like humans. I don’t think a dog or cat will run away from their lovely and nice home to find a mate to have babies with, I have never heard of that before. But I can’t say that because all dogs or cats are different from the other even if they are from the same breed. The problem is the writer of this essay is coming up with things that don’t make any sense. They didn’t cite those crazy thoughts and to me it sound like they thought this up. The writer was just wanting to get this essay over with and not look back on it.

Gay Marriage

Everyone has a problem with gay marriage. I don’t have a problem with a gay marriage because I believe in you love who you love. Plus its none of business to tell SOMEONE ELSE who they SHOULD love and what they SHOULD like. That’s not my place nor anyone else place to ruin someone who likes the same sex. Because WE are NOT in that RELATIONSHIP so we all need to mind our business and relationship. Same sex relationships have the same rights into marriage just like straight relationships do. The government shouldn’t exclude them from marriage rights because they not LOVING the person YOU believe they should be with. At the end of day WE all have a right to love WHO WE WANT and WE all DESERVE to be and to feel love even if its different than the “NORMAL” type of love. Always stay TRUE to WHO you are and DON’T change because SOMEONE else say you don’t fit the IMAGE. Its better to stay yourself and love who you and the people who rock with you will love you for who you are and not something you not.

The Rise or Fall of a Student's Success

studying the loud house GIF by Nickelodeon

When the school year begin, a student know if they will have a great or horrible school year until it progress to the end of that year. During that year, a student can have a successful year when they are making good grades in their classes. The student could be recognize for something and get an award for it or get a scholarship. They have good homelife with a few bumps in the road that don’t affect their performance. The student could be in a sport team or club that take their mind off of school and homelife. Another thing is they go to exciting school activities. The student could have a horrible school year when they have tragic death in the family. The death can cause the student to get a low class average on their report card. The student could be going through some mental illness or some stressful homelife. They might get bully at school and can’t say anything about it or don’t know how to ask for help from school officials.

The Consequences of World War II

How I know the writer was talking about the effects of the World War II is they talk about the Soviet Union losing over 24 million of their people and the other 21 million who didn’t die was left homeless. Britain and France’s empires fell due to the war. Due to the fall of their empires fallen, the European boundaries had redrawn. The United States had a huge increase of their population of the time due to the baby boom. With the baby boom in action this caused the Social Security taxes increased than the taxed income of the people working around that time. World War II caused the continued of the Cold War because of the expenses of the war costing the United States over $95 million. Not only that they (United States) spent over billions of dollars just to improve the military power.

Stephen King

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I agree with what Stephen King said about why people love horror movies. Horror takes the viewers into a fake reality where we are living the experience with our favorite characters. The way the killer kills their victims makes it feel like they are doing those psychotic and cruel things to us. The killer’s backstory is well develop and makes the audience understand the reason why they killing people. For example, in the Scream movie franchise, the killer (Ghostface)  is recording a real life movie where they murder real life people so they can be famous. Ghostface wants Sidney Prescott in their movie because of her backstory with her mother. So, every Scream movie the killer is making movie within a movie. What makes the horror movies good because the killer is hard kill and comes back for more killing new people and somehow go after their old victims from the previous movie or who they had a history with.

Challenges of This Last Few Weeks of the Semester

stressed tiffany pollard GIF by T. Kyle

In CVCC, I’ve learned about my classes but about myself. The hardest thing about these last few weeks is not only the classes, but getting the assignments done and what is my final class average. I only have 3 ½ classes which is English 101, Math 100 (my worst and least favorite subject, who even created this confusing and difficult subject) , and Western History, and Speech 107 (I almost done with that class by this Thursday) that I have to worry about is my grades and making sure I pass all those classes. I say that it is my most stressful part of this semester or any semester for me. What makes it stressful is the fact that I’m on an academic scholarship and I want to still maintain this scholarship. So, I want to meet the requirements for my scholarship so, I will not have my mom paying for all these expensive book and tuition fees. This week and next week is very important for me because this is my make or break moment for my college scholarship.